Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Feeling so frustrated today so I'll make this short go to hell job centre for taking your shitty ass time. I'm trying to get my life back together and you keep fucking around with me.

Had a weird scare yesterday going to University my chest started to feel very sore I thought I was having a heart attack. I really need to get my health up to scratch but at the moment I've not had a single moment to myself to go do some exercise.

Got 2 new books to learn from the course today and I honestly can't be bothered so I'm just listening to some rock music as I hunt down survivors and eat there brains!.

Zombie Panic Source FTW!

Oh and job centre still go screw yourself

Friday, October 9, 2009

Work Pains!

Procrastination FTW

I took a break from my work at 16:30 today and I honestly can't face doing any more work. I'm enjoying it but I'm feeling like shit everyday I wake up. I don't mean in an emotional way I mean in a physical way and it honestly is doing my head in.

Currently have on to take my mind off the pain in my stomach. I never seem to have much of an interesting day and I don't really both surfing the net for funny you-tube videos. I've had an interest in maybe doing a pod-cast. Its just an idea so doubtful I will ever bother as I don't exact have an idea what it would be about or have anyone willing to do it with me. A one man pod-cast would be kind of sad to listen too.

So yeah last night during my lack of sleep I learned about xhtml and how to do internal links that skip to sections on the page you are currently viewing. I'm also learning that all the things I'm learning are no longer used and that CSS is now used for styling a website. I know learning this is to help me get a grasp of the actual code but honestly if its not used any more to style a website then why is it in the course work.

Obama wins prize for saying PEACE!

When I woke up today which was noon! I wake to find people twittering about Obama winning the noble peace prize and I ask myself why ? What exactly has that man done thus far that deserves one ? So far hes been a spinless President that has yet to pass a single bill that he promised during election.

I personally would love to see America finally get a healthcare system that treats people fairly. Were its not about how much money you have. That anyone even a person who is homeless out of no fault of his own can be treated. Instead in America they have a healthcare system that pushs you out of the door if you don't have the insurance. People going untreated and probably thousands dying each year because they couldn't afford the medical bills.

Its easy for me to rattle on about the healthcare issue I live in a country were if I break my leg or if I contract an illness that I can walk to my doctors or hospital and be treated for free. The NHS isn't perfect and I've listened to enough American news casters bash it. Here is what is the choice America face. Carry on with how you do things now and thousands go untreated because they can't afford it. Or step up to the plate and make the humane choice and develop a free healthcare system were even the poorest will never go untreated.

I think America is a great country, would love to go see it sometime hopefully with my girlfriend who could possibly show me a few things about it. I just see a few things that could be better. My girlfriends :P probably going to bonk me on the head for rambling on about this.

NHS for the win

Obama's noble peace prize for the lose he's done nothing to deserve it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blogging out frustration

Back pain and brain freeze
Currently reading through quite a bit of text to do with xhtml and its really going slow. I have to get 17 lessons done by next Tuesday and I really doubt I can do it. Especially with the way I'm feeling overall which I've tweeted about and also myspaced about.

Going to keep reading to about 18:00 and then take a break. Marianna should be home from work by then so that will cheer me up.
The talking box
Now that I got my day out of the way and blogged I just want to quickly blog about a man called David Cameron. I've already tweeted about him but my god why are people blinded by this idiot.

Hes keeping practically everything labour have done for this country in regards to policy. The whole ready for change is a total Americanism coined by obama. This man has no personality of his own hes just a talking box that disagree's with everything the labour government do in parliament then repeats that he is going to do the exact same if he gets into power.

Seriously I know no one reads my blog but if you do please don't vote that man in. Maybe my view is tainted by the fact I'm Scottish I grew up with parents that suffered the Margaret Thatcher years. But to me conservatives are never a good vote, you would be better off voting lib dem than conservatives.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

CIW Master Web Designer Certification

Feeling the Burn
Doing a course at the moment to get certified in a specific field in IT. Started it last Tuesday and have about 12 weeks to get to grips with the course work so I can then go on to do the exams and pass.

Work is going at a slow but steady pace nearly completed the first of the 3 books which add up to give me a certification in the foundations of IT then I go on from that and do another 2 modules which gives me the Master web designer certification.

The final part of the course deals with database specialists once I pass that exam I become certified as both a web designer and database specialist.
Games and Hobbies
During the breaks I give myself while doing my course work. I've been playing Professor Layton and Pandora's box with my girlfriend Marianna. Never played this type of game before but finding it great fun loving the Japanese anime style video in-between chapters and the voice acting is quite funny to listen too. I think my girlfriend likes my impressions of the voices better though.

On Thursday nights I've been travelling down to the local community center were I've been doing some guitar lessons. Really fun to do but the actual practice has taken its toll on my fingers so just waiting for them to recover before I continue on.
Looking up at the stars
Last thought and its got nothing to do with anything I'm actually doing. Astronomy such a great subject and an interesting hobby to pick up regardless of skill level. When I was on one of my breaks I tried to find a site that allowed me as a user to watch live streams of telescopes.

What I found was pretty much nothing. I use to love sitting outside with my cheap telescope that my parents got me just looking up at the starts using the constellations as a guide to look at some really beautiful starts. I don't really have the time nor the money any more to get back into it so it saddens that a site like I described doesn't exist.