Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update: Toothache and magic

Haven't been doing very well healthwise but to pass the time I have gotten into a very famouse card game called Magic the Gathering. I use to play a video game version of it on my original xbox over xbox live. Managed to grab a few good deals on some cards.

Bought a coldsnap booster box and 3 dissension decks. Made my own personal Snow blue and black deck, a red and white deck for my girlfriend and a Mono snow green deck. Been really fun getting into the game love the artwork on the cards. So much so that they partially inspired me to get back into drawing again.

I went to see my friend Robbert watched a few movies there and played some MTG which was fun. Only bad point about it is the distance I fell asleep 3 times come back from stirling.

Nothing much else has happened of any significance so I'll bring it up to this weekend were I had the worst pain in my life. Now I've had toothache before but nothing compared to this. Sadly a victim fell to this pain namely one of my teeth. He was a proud and noble warrior. Sure he had to be patched up when I was 12 but did that mean he had to be evicted ?

So yeah I have 1 less tooth and though I miss the bugger I'm glad hes gone. In fact he tried to kill me as the dentist removed him. Tried to choke me with the very same filling that patched him up 14 years ago.

Since its just an update and I'm really not good at blogging just quickly end on the last bit of news. I was robbed, NO! not really robbed some little con man managed to get my details of my bank card and buy themself £30 worth of credit on the O2 network. I've reported it had to get rid of my card and the banks looking into it for me. Hopefully I get my money back as that is all I care about.

Will update more soon I tend to forget this is here and not really bother updating it. I tweet more than I blog.

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